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Debutante Makenzie Deonna Cosey

Makenzie is the daughter of Mr. Spencer Marshall and Mrs. Talisha Cosey. She attends Vicksburg High School. Makenzie’s activities include member of Vicksburg High School Gator Band and Health Occupational Students Association. She is an Honor Roll Student. Her hobbies and talents are reading and dancing. She attends Seven Day Adventist Church. Makenzie plans to attend Texas Southern University and major in Medicine/Pre-Med. Her future endeavor is to become one of the best Pediatricians and open her own clinic. Some words she uses to describe herself are ambitious and thoughtful. Her personal motto is, “Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.”.


She was presented by her parents, Mr. Spencer Marshall and Mrs. Talisha Cosey.

Makenzie was escorted by Victor Demarcus Barnett. Victor is the son of Mr. Patrick Jones and Mrs. Angela King. He is a Senior at Vicksburg High School.

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